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Leprechaun engl. lausunta ‘leprkn , [] suomeksi myos leprekauni, leprekaani tai leprekooni, nyky iiriksi leipreachan tai joskus lioprachan myos tunnetaan nimella irlantilainen maahinen on tontun tapainen taruolento irlantilaisessa mytologi.a. Leprechaunit esiintyvat taruissa yleensa vanhan miehen hahmossa ja kayttavat .A leprechaun Irish lucharachan leipreachan luchorpan is a diminutive supernatural being in Irish folklore, cl.ed by some as a type of solitary. They are usually depicted as little bearded men , wearing a coat and hat, who partake in mischief… Leprechaun means “small body.” Leprechaun is believed to be a variation of the Middle Irish word, lchorpnl means small and corp means body. . Sometimes, leprechauns are red..Leprechauns have several powers including tremendous agility which makes them almost impossible to catch. A leprechaun can help in the home and often guards a pot of gold. What creature is a leprechaun? A leprechaun is a mythical creature from Ireland, usually described as a male or goblin..